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[WebTJ] only WebTigerJython
Function | Action |
makeGPanel() | creates a GPanel graphics window with coordinates (x = 0..1, y = 0..1). Current cursor at (0, 0) |
makeGPanel(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
creates a GPanel graphics window with given float coordinate system. Current cursor at (0, 0) |
makeGPanel(Size(width, height)) |
same as makeGPanel(), but window size user selectable (in pixels) |
returns the screen width (in pixels)) | |
returns the screen height (in pixels) | |
window(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) |
sets a new coordinate span |
draws a coordinate grid with 10 ticks in range x1..x2, y1..y2. Label text depends if x, y or int or float |
same with given grid color |
same with given number of ticks x3, y3 in x- and y-direction |
same with given grid color |
bgColor(color) | sets the background color (X11-colors) |
storeGraphics() [WebTJ] | stores the current graphics in internal image buffer |
recallGraphics() [WebTJ] | renders the content of the internal image buffer |
delay(time) | pauses the program execution for given amount of time (in ms) |
getDividingPoint(pt1, pt2, ratio) | returns the point that divides the line from pt1 to pt2 with the given ratio (may be negative and greater than 1) |
clear() | clears the graphics window and sets the graphics cursor to (0, 0) |
erase() | clears the graphics window without changing the position of the graphics cursor |
lineWidth(width) | resumes paused program execution |
setColor(color) | sets die drawing color (X11 color string, see their names here) |
move(x, y) | moves cursor to (x, y) without drawing a line |
getPosX() | returns the cursor's current x-coordinate |
getPosY() | returns the cursor's current y-coordinate |
getPos() | returns the cursor current x-, y-coordinates as list |
draw(x, y) | draws line to (x, y) and updates cursor |
draw(coord_list) | draws line to coord. list and updates cursor |
line(x1, y1, x2, y2) | draws line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) without modifying cursor |
line(pt1, pt2) | draws line from pt1 = [x1, y1] to pt2 = [x2, y2] without modifying cursor |
circle(radius) | draws circle with center at current cursor position and given radius (in x-coordinate units) |
fillCircle(radius) | draws fiilled circle with center at current cursor position and given radius (fill color = pen color) |
ellipse(a, b) | draws ellipse with center at current cursor positon and given semiaxis |
fillEllipse(a, b) | draws ellipse with center at current cursor positon and given semiaxis (fill color = pen color) |
rectangle(a, b) | draws rectangle with center at current cursor position and given width and height |
rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) | draws rectangle with center at current cursor position and given diagonal |
rectangle(pt1, pt2) | same with diagonal point lists |
fillRectangle(a, b) | draws filled rectangle with center at cursor and given width and height (fill color = pen color) |
fillRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2) | draws filled rectangle with center at cursor and given diagonal (fill color = pen color) |
fillRectangle(pt1, pt2) | same with diagonal point lists) |
arc(radius, startAngle, extendAngle) |
draws arc with center at cursor and given radius, start and sector angle (0 to east, positive counterclockwise) |
fillArc(radius, startAngle, extendAngle) |
same, but filled (fill color = pen color) |
polygon([pt1, pt2,..]) | draws polygon with list of point lists pt1, pt2,... |
fillPolygon([pt1, pt2,..]) | draws filled polygon with list of point lists pt1, pt2,... |
draws quadratic Bezier-curve with 2 points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and control point (xc, yc) | |
same with points | |
draws cubic Bezier-curve with 2 points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and two control points (xc1, yc1), (yc2, yc2) | |
same with points | |
draws a triangle with vertexes from x-, y-coordinates | |
same with point lists | |
draws a filled triangle with vertexes from x-, y-coordinates (fill color = pen color) | |
draws a filled triangle with vertexes from x-, y-coordinates (fill color = pen color) | |
point(x, y) | draws one single point (pixel) at (x, y) |
point(pt) | same with point list |
enableRepaint(boolean) | enables/disables automatic rendering of the offscreen buffer (default: enabled) |
repaint() | renders the offscreen buffer on screen (necessary if the automatic rendering is disabled) |
getPixelColor(x, y) | returns color of pixel at (x, y) as list [r, g, b] |
getPixelColorStr(x, y) | returns color of pixel at (x, y) as X11 color string, in WebTigerJython as Hex-Farbcode (z.B. #ff0000) |
text(string) | displays text starting at current cursor position |
text(x, y, string) | display text starting at given x-, y-coordinates |
text(pt, string) | same with point list |
makeGPanel(mouseNNN = onMouseNNN) |
registers the callback function onMouseNNN(x, y) that is called when a mouse event happens. Values for NNN: Pressed, Released, Clicked, Dragged, Moved, Entered, Exited, SingleClicked, DoubleClicked |
returns True, if the event is caused by the left/right mouse button |
makeGPanel(keyPressed = onKeyPressed) | registers the callback onKeyPressed(keyCode) that is called when a keyboard key is hit. keyCode is a unique integer value that identifies the key |
onKeyPressed(key) | Callbackfunction, returns key. In WebTigerJython the numeric code of the key pressed, in WebTigerPython the name of the key pressed( Enter, Escape, ArrowUp, r, g, ....) |
Font(name, style, size) | creates a new font with given name, style and size |
name | a string with a font name available on the system, e.g. "Times New Roman", "Arial", "Courier" |
style | one of the stype constants: Font.PLAIN, Font.BOLD, Font.ITALIC, may also be combined: Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC |
size | an integer with an available font size in pixels, e.g. 12, 16, 72 |
inputInt(prompt) | opens a dialog with OK/Cancel buttons. OK returns integer (the dialog is shown again, if no integer is entered). Cancel or Close terminate the program. The named parameter init sets an initialising value. |
inputFloat(prompt) | opens a dialog with OK/Cancel buttons. OK returns float (the dialog is shown again, if no float is entered). Cancel or Close terminate the program. The named parameter init sets an initialising value |
inputString(prompt) | opens a dialog with OK/Cancel buttons. OK returns string. Cancel or Close terminate the program. The named parameter init sets an initialising value |