Function |
Action |
forward() |
sets robot in forward motion |
delay(ms) |
stops program for ms milliseconds |
backward() |
sets robot in reverse motiong |
left() |
sets robot in a left turn (one motor in forward, the other in backward rotation) |
right() |
sets robot in a right turn (one motor in forward, the other in backward rotation) |
leftArc(radius) |
sets robot to a left curve with given radius (in m) |
rightArc(radius) |
sets robot to a right curve with given radius (in m) |
stop() |
stops the movement |
setSpeed() |
sets the speed for all movements (10...100), default 50 |
calibrate(offset, differential, areScaling) |
calibrates motors, if the robot does not drive straight offset: minimal power of the motors (-10 to 50) differential: Adjusts power difference of left and right Wheel (-150 to 150), if a robot steers left when driving forward < 0, if steers right > 0 arcScalling: Adjusts the radius by leftArc() or rightArc() (values -50 to 50), if radius to laarge > 0, if radius to small < 0 |
setPID(1) [only mbrobot_plus] |
reduces the speed, the robot moves slower |
setPID(0) [only mbrobot_plus] |
PID is switched off, robot moves at given speed |
setLED(n) |
n= 1: turns both LEDs on, n = 0: turns both LEDs off mbrobot_plus: additional 2:green, 3:blue, 4:yellow, 5: pink, 6:cyan, 7:white |
setLEDLeft(n), setLEDRight(n)) |
turns LED on (n = 1) or off (n = 0) mbrobot_plus: additional 2:green, 3:blue, 4:yellow, 5: pink, 6:cyan, 7:white |
setAlarm(n) |
n= 1: sets the alarm on, n = 0: sets the alarm off |
setServo(port, angle) |
rotates the servo motor at port S1 or S2 (P1 or P2) to the given angular position.(angle: 0 to 180) |
motL.rotate(speed) |
rotatate motor left (speed > 0: forwad, speed < 0: backward, speed= 0: stop) (speed 0 - 100) |
motR.rotate(speed) |
rotatate motor right (speed > 0: forwad, speed < 0: backward, speed= 0: stop) (speed 0 - 100) |
getDistance() |
returns the distance (in cm, in range 2..200 approx.) measured with the ultrasonic sensor (255 or -1: illegal measurement)) |
irLeft.read_digital(), irRight.readDigital() |
infrared sensors return 0, if floor is dark; 1, if floor is bright |
playTone(freq., duration |
plays the sound at the given frequency for the given time. |
set_pixel(x, y, value) |
sets the intensity of pixel at position x, y. value in range 0..9 |
clear() |
clears all pixels |
show(str) |
shows given str on LED display. If str has more than 1 character, the text ist scrolled until the last character becomes visible |
show(img) |
show Image img on LED display. If img is bigger than 5x5 pixel, the pixels in range x, y = 0..4 are shown. If img is smaller than 5x5 pixel, the missing pixels are black |
show(list_of_img, delay = 400, loop = False, wait = True, clear = False) |
zshows all images of the list in a timed sequence. If loop = True ist, the sequence is repeated infinitely. For wati = True the method is blocking, otherwise it returns while the sequence continues in the background. delay is the display time for each image in ms (default: 400). For clear = True, the display is clear after the last image is shown |
scroll(str) |
shows str as scrolling text. The last character disappears |
scroll(str, delay = 150, loop = False, wait = True, monospace = False) |
show str as scrolling text . If loop = True, the sequence is repeated infinitely. For wait = True the method is blocking, otherwise it returns while the sequence continues in the background. delay is the display time for a single column (default: 150) |
set_pixel(x, y, value) |
sets the intensity of pixel at position x, y. value in range 0..9 |
fill(value) |
sets all pixel intensities to the given value (0..9) |
get_pixel(x, y) |
returns the intensity of the pixel at position x, y |
shift_left(n) |
returns an Image object by shifting the picture left by n columns (inserted columns at the right are turned off) |
shift_right(n) |
returns an Image object by shifting the picture right by n columns (inserted columns at the left are turned off) |
shift_up(n) |
returns an Image object by shifting the picture up by n rows (inserted rows at the bottom are turned off) |
shift_down(n) |
returns an Image object by shifting the picture down by n rows (inserted rows at the top are turned off) |
copy() |
returns a clone of the image |
invert() |
returns an Image object by inverting the intensity of all pixels (new_value = 9 - value) |
pin0, pin1, pin2, pin8, pin12, pin16 |
instances for general digital-in/digital-out |
pin0, pin1, pin2 |
Instanzen für Analog-in/Analog-out (PWM) |
pin3, pin4, pin6, pin7, pin9, pin10 |
instances predefined for LED display (display mode) |
pin5, pin11 |
instances predefine for button A, B (button mode) |
pin13, pin14, pin15 |
instances predefined for SPI (spi mode) |
pin19, pin20 |
instances predefined for I2C (i2c mode) |
read_digital() |
returns True, if the pin is logical 1 (HIGH); returns False, if logical 0 (LOW) (Pulldown 10 kOhm) |
write_digital(v) |
if v = 1, sets the pin to logical 1 (HIGH); if v = 0, sets the pin to logical 0 (LOW) (max. current: 5 mA) |
read_analog() |
returns value from ADC in range 0..1023 (input impedance: 10 MOhm) |
write_analog(v) |
setzt den PWM Duty Cycle (v = 0..1023 entsprechend 0..100%) (max. Strom: 5 mA) |
set_analog_period(period) |
setzt die PWM-Periode in Millisekunden |
set_analog_period_microseconds(period) |
sets the PWM duty cycle (v = 0..1023 corresponds to 0..100%) (max. current: 5 mA) |
get_x(), get_y(), get_z() |
returns the current value of acceleration in x, y or z direction (int, range approx.. -2047 to +2048, corresponding approx. -20 m/s^2 to +20 m/s^2, gravitational acceleration of approx. 10 m/s^2 included). x direction: ButtonA-ButtonB; y direction: Pin2-USB; z direction: perpenticular to the board |
get_values() |
returns a tuple with the acceleration in x, y and z direction (ints, units as above) |
current_gesture() |
returns the current gesture. The following gestures are detected: " up", " down", " left", " right", " face up", " face down", " freefall", " 3g", " 6g", " 8g", " shake" |
calibrate() |
starts a blocking calibration routine needed to get accurate readings: tilt the micro:bit in different directions, so that the blinking pixel reaches the border, where the border pixel is turned on. When all border pixels are lit, the program continues |
is_calibrated() |
returns True, if the compass was calibrated |
clear_calibration() |
resets the compass to the non-calibrated state |
heading() |
returns the angle of the current direction if the micro:bit with respect to the north |
get_x(), get_y(), get_z() |
returns the current value of the x, y or z component of the magnetic field at the sensor position (int, in microtesla, no calibration needed) |
get_values() |
returns a tuple with x , y and z components of the magnetic field at the sensor position (int, in microtesla, no calibration needed) |
set_tempo(bpm = 120) |
sets the number of beats per minute (default: 120)) |
pitch(frequency, len, pin = microbit.pin0, wait = True) |
plays a tone with given frequency in Hertz during the given length (duration) (in milliseconds). pin defines the output pin at the GPIIO header (default: P0). If wait = True, the function is blocking; otherwise it returns while the sound continues (until finished or stop() is called) |
play(melody, pin = microbit.pin0, wait = True, loop = False) |
plays a melody with current tempo. pin defines the output pin at the GPIIO header (default: P0). If wait = True, the function is blocking; otherwise it returns while the sound continues (until finished or stop() is called). If loop is True, the melody is played again infinitely |
stop(pin = microbit.pin0) |
stops sound output at given header pin (default: P0) |
A melody is a list of strings in the format ["note:duration", "note:duration",...] note in musical notation: c, d, e, f, g, a, h with optional octave number (default: 1): e.g. c2, d2, ... and optional sharp: c#, d#,... or c#2, d#2,... duration in number of ticks (optional, defaut: 1)
Predifined song lists
- ADADADUM - Beethoven’s 5. Synphony C Moll
- ENTERTAINER - Scott Joplin’s Ragtime Classics“The Entertainer”
- PRELUDE -Prelude in C Dur, J.S.Bach’s 48 Preludien and Fugen
- ODE - “Ode an Joy” Thema aus Beethoven’s 9. Synphony in D Moll
- NYAN - das Nyan Cat Thema
- RINGTONE - something that sounds like a mobile phone ringtone
- FUNK - a funky bass line for secret agents and criminal masterminds
- BLUES - Boogie-Woogie Blues
- BIRTHDAY - “Happy Birthday to You...”
- WEDDING - the bridal chorus from Wagner’s opera Lohengrin
- FUNERAL - the funeral march otherwise known as Frederic Chopin Piano Sonata No. 2 in B minor.
- PUNCHLINE - a fun fragment that signifies a joke has been made
- PYTHON - ohn Philip Sousas march Liberty Bell aka, the theme for Monty Pythons Flying Circus
- BADDY - silent movie era entrance of a baddy
- CHASE - silent movie era chase scene
- BA_DING - a short signal to indicate something has happened
- WAWAWAWAA - a very sad trombone
- JUMP_UP - for use in a game, indicating upward movement
- JUMP_DOWN - for use in a game, indicating downward movement
- POWER_UP -for use in a game, indicating downward movement
- POWER_DOWN - a fanfare to indicate an achievement unlocked
Modul radio:
Modul import: from radio import *
Computer communication over Bluetooth
on() |
turns Bluetooth communication on. Connecting to a micro:bit node that has radio turned on |
off() |
sturns Bluetooth communicaion off |
send(msg) |
sends the message string to the receiving node's message queue (First-In-First-Out, FIFO buffer) |
msg = receive() |
returns the oldest message (string) in the message queue and removes it from the queue. None is returned, if the queue is empty. It is assumed that the messages is sent with send(smg), so it can be converted in a valuable string [otherwise a ValueError exception ("received packet is not a string") is raised] |
send_bytes(msg_bytes) |
sends the message bytes (class bytes, e.g b'\x01\x48') to the receiving node's message queue (First-In-First-Out, FIFO buffer) |
receive_bytes() |
returns the oldest message bytes from the message queue and deletes it from the queue. None is returned, if the queue is empty. To send the message, send_bytes(msg) must be used (and not send(msg)) |
Modul mbglow:
Modul import: from mbglow import *
makeGlow() |
creates a visible glowbug at position (0, 0) directed to the north with its trace enabled. Coordinate system: -2 <=x <=2 (+ to the right), -2 <= y <= 2 (+ upwards), (0, 0) at center pixel |
forward() |
moves the glowbug one step in the forward direction |
back() |
moves the glowbug one step in the backward direction |
left(angle) |
turns the glowbug in 45 degrees increments to the left (angle = 45, 90, 135, 180, 215, 270, 315) |
right(angle) |
turns the glowbug in 45 degrees increments to the right (angle = 45, 90, 135, 180, 215, 270, 315) |
setPos(x, y) |
sets the glowbug at position (x, y) |
getPos() |
returns the current position of the glowbug (as tuple) |
setSpeed() |
sets the speed for movements (0..100) |
clear() |
clears all visible pixels. The glowbug remains at the current position (but is invisible) |
showTrace(False) |
enables/disables the trace for the following movements (pixels are turned on at the glowbug position) |
isLit() |
returns True, if the pixel at the current glowbug position is turned on |
Modul time
Modulimport: import time
Function |
Action |
returns the current time in seconds |
Modul sht
(Sensirion temperature and air humidity sensor at I2C port)
Modul import: import sht
sht.getValues() |
returns a tuple with temperature (in degrees Celsius) and and humidity (in percent). I2C address: (SHT31: 0x44, SHT35: 0x45) |
Modul sgp
SGP30 Air Quality Sensor (Co2-Sensor at I2C-Port)
Modul import: import sgp
sgp.getValues() |
returns a tuple with CO2 koncentration (in ppm) and VOC (Total Volantile Organic Compunds). The sensor is calibrated to CO2 = 400. Ventilation is urgently required for values higher than 1000. I2C address (SGP30: 0x58) |